
Love Unconditionally


01 Agustus 23 tahun lalu sepasang orang tua mendapat kepercayaan membesarkan anak ketiganya
Merawat, mendidik, dan menjaga siang malam dengan penuh kasih, tulus, dan pengorbanan
Tak tertinggal doa dan harapan mengiringi hari-hari si anak tumbuh hingga dewasa
Agar sang anak menjadi seorang yang tangguh, berani, jujur, dan bertanggung jawab adalah didikannya

Tak pernah ada pesta meriah di tiap ulang tahun
Ucapan selamat dan doa tulus di pagi hari pada tanggal kelahiran yang menjadi tradisi keluarga
Tak pernah terlupa betapa manisnya...

Ketika tak lagi tinggal bersama orang tua
Semenjak kesibukan menyita 
Ulang tahun makin kehilangan makna
Ucapan selamat tak lagi datang di pagi hari di tanggal kelahiran
Bisa saja kapan-kapan

Sudah 23 kali berulang tahun
Sembahku padaMu, tunduk
Segala syukur kucurahkan lebih dari biasa
Atas segala cinta tanpa syarat yang Kau limpahkan
Atas kekuatan untuk memanjatka doa di hari ulang tahunku

23 kali berulang tahun...
Belajar banyak dari kesalahan
Tutur, emosi, ego saatnya ditata tak hanya mengikuti usia tapi demi kebaikan
Ada saatnya beberapa hal berubah
Ada orang-orang yang datang dan menetap, tak jarang kemudian pergi
Ada saat menangis, ada waktu tertawa ceria
Ada hati yang terluka, ada hati yang berbunga-bunga

Namun, yang pasti tak akan pernah berubah selamanya, hanya satu
Allah SWT dan segala cinta kasih-Nya
Akan selalu berada sangat-sangat dekat dengan hambanya
Terangi dan tuntun setiap jalan kita yang selalu mengingatNya



Surat untuk Ibu

Ibu, entah ini surat keberapa yang icha tulis buat ibu. Enggak tau juga nyampe atau enggak.. hehehe. Tapi semoga doa-doa yang selalu icha panjatkan di setiap sholat dan setiap saat insyaallah selalu sampai ya bu..

Sudah hampir 6 tahun ternyata. Time flies really fast.. You missed a lot, my hardest time in my college doing my thesis, my graduation day, and my first day in the office. (Yeah, finnaly i found my own job, make my own money, mom! hahaha). But you don't need to worry, galih always taking care of me here, yes, he did a lot mom. Kebayang nggak bu, icha yang suka ibu bilang "nyadar banget jadi anak bungsu" (manja-red) sekarang udah bisa cari makan sendiri dan makan sendiri (kangen disuapin ibu.. huhuhuuu). Anyway, do you still remember our ex neighbour next door? Right, Om Yanto you tell me to call him. I make an almost serious relationship with his son LOL. Please don't be so much worry to hear that, I already grown up mom. Inget nggak bu, waktu icha SMP dan mulai suka-sukaan sama cowok disekolah akhirnya ketauan ibu? Besok harinya ibu langsung minta bapak antar jemput icha di sekolah plus icha gak boleh maen kemana-mana dan setiap telepon dari cowok selalu ibu sadap dari telepon di kamar ibu? hahaha.. You were such an over protective mother.

By the way, I got a shifting system job. Jadi malem-malem icha juga kerja bu. Mungkin ibu disana selalu liatin icha sambil khawatir ya? But I try to enjoy everything in my new-real-life mom. Seperti yang Bapak bilang sama icha kemaren, "Dinikmatin kerjaannya, harus dibetah-betahin, adek yang ikhlas kerjanya seperti bapak telaten sama kerjaan bapak sampai sekarang, insyaallah nanti berkah rezekinya". Honestly I need your hug for now, mom. Dan terus terang saja bu, suatu saat icha nikah dan punya anak, I don't wanna be an employee anymore, mungkin icha bakal bikin usaha sendiri di rumah, atau jadi karyawan freelance. I wanna spend my whole time with my child, just like you :). Adek pengen bisa nemenin anak adek nanti belajar, main, nyuapin mereka, bahkan sampai nyuci baju mereka dengan tangan adek sendiri. Persis seperti ibu.

Oh iya, ini kan mau lebaran ya bu? Lebaran tahun ini bakal jadi lebaran pertama icha nggak pulang kerumah. Maklum, karyawan baru nggak ada liburnya bu. Malah rencana Bapak yang ke Jakarta nengokin kita..hehehe (I'm sorry about Herin, she must be alone at home). Apalagi ya bu? Oh iya, don't worry about dad. He is more and more healthy i thought, mbak sri taken care of him well.

Kalau misalnya ibu masih ada icha pengeeeeeen banget ceritaaa... about everything. Eh iya, galih say hi to you, dan kalau ibu masih ada, partner ngobrol seru ibu nambah satu lagi loh. I know you must be like him so much. FYI galih juga kadang-kadang sama bawelnya sama ibu *ups. I miss you a lot. I want you to be happy there. Semoga Allah SWT memberi ibu tempat yang layak di sisi-Nya, mengampuni dan menghapus dosa ibu, dan menjauhkan ibu dari siksa kubur dan api neraka. Aamiin..

My Parents Taught Me

1. My parents taught me to APPRECIATE JOB WELL DONE.
"If you want to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning."

2. My parents tought me RELIGION.
"You better learn to pray well, before I brought you new feil."

3. My parents tought me about TIME TRAVEL.
"If you don't stop playing music outloud right now, i'll locked your room in a month, then eat and drink your music!"

4.My parents tought me to be GRATEFUL.
"You sould study harder. There are millions less fortunate children want to replace you in school."

5.  My mother tought me EMPHATY.
"Don't you eat your only one lollypop in front your playmates unless you want to split it."

6. My mother tought me CIRCLE OF LIFE.
"If you always argue me, don't you know that I've brought you into this world, and I can also get you back in my stomach then."

7. My parents tought me about MEDICAL SCIENCE
"Don't open your mouth too wide when you laugh, or it will freeze that way."

8. My parents tought me about ABSORBING.
"Shut your mouth then you'll finish your breakfast even faster!"

9. My parents tought me about LOGIC.
"If you fall out from that guava tree and you broke your bones, you are not going to department store with us."

10. My parents tought me MORE LOGIC.
"If you don't finish your supper, you will get all of your chicks died next morning."

11. My parents tought me ESQ.
"Better be nice to your sister, don't you think I know you always missing her when she's in her dorm?"

12. My parents tought me about BREEDING.
"Your room looks as horse stable. Make up this room now!"

13. My father tought me HUMOR.
"If you ankle get twisted by your mother's highheels, don't come running to me."

14. My parents tought me about my ROOTS.
"Put your dirty shoes outside door before come in, do you think you were born in a barn?"

15. My parents tought me GENETICS.
"You're just like your father."

16. My parents tought me about FAIRNESS.
"Don't you shocked about your stubborn children in future, because you act like that today."

17. My parents tought me about WISDOM.
"You will do the same if you are in my position."

How are U there Mom??

She used to be my only enemy 'cause never let me free
She took me into a place I thought I shouldn't be
I gaze directly into her eyes then many time  I yell "NO" out loud
I always stand in my way
But I didn't mean I could hurt u that way
And I never thought u can be the best friend I've ever had

I fall back and I ask u why?
Why must those little misconception driving us to a lot of words?
And when u're not here like it is
I think a lot and i found that everything u did was LOVE

I know it was late, though
I love u mom
I miss u as always

I did't wanna back to that moment I treat u
I'm NOT ASHAMED to say it now
Every single thing u say and did was right for me
About the way I was
I have no responsibility, never

Mom, no matter where u are
I want to say a handful of pray
May God give u much of blessing and keep u safe
I know u must be pray a lot for ur little daughter than i do there

*tonight I miss u a lot, I miss the way u talk, smile, and laugh , I miss ur hug, kisses, and ur soft hand caress, I miss the way u make me peaceful and comfort around u. . Okay-okay I already dropped my tear and I know u hate it. I do something wrong again, huh? I love u. .

I Tell U How did I Pass this Semester "Ei. .. .Ar. .Ar. .Ji. .Ji. .Eij. . Eij. .Eij. .Dot. .Dot. . (ARRGGHHH . . -red)"

First day in six term:  One week later:  First and second months through: Getting mid-term test on: During mid-term test: After mid-term test:  Going through a period before final exam: When I first saw my final exam schedule: 7 Days before final exam:  6 Days before final exam:   5 Days before final exam:  4 Days before final exam:  3 Days before final exam:  2 Days before final exam:  1 Days before final exam:  Trying to get ready for final exam:  Once entering exam's room:  During final exam:   Once getting out the classroom:  After final exam, during the holiday:

I Miss You - Incubus

To see you when I wake up
Is a gift I didn't think could be real
To know that you feel the same as I do
Is a three-fold Utopian dream

You do something to me that I can't explain
So would I be out of line if I said "I miss you"?

I see your picture
I smell your skin on the empty pillow next to mine
You have only been gone ten days
But already I'm wasting away

I know I'll see you again whether far or soon
But I need you to know that I care and I miss you

* This song turn in my playlist repeatedly tonight. And no matter what my friend say, I missing you like hell
God, I'm sick of what I've been through for last few days. This feeling torture me so much. I can't see wich one is better between being know or let my self don't know anything and keep silence. But tonight you rise my eyes about everything that must be reason of what make you could do this to me. . though you may never realize how it really messed me up, honey.
This couldn't be right time anymore for some question like "why" or "how come" you do this to me, no. Cause actualy I already used like the way you want me to be. If you think this is best for us, I think it's only for you. If you think I'm ridiculous, irrational, or something you may not know about me like I thought.
Is it hard to talk to me honestly what's going on your mind or your heart? I don't believe that it could be so that difficult for you. What else I can expect from you? From the one who I love so much. . from the one I always give my believe for. . but honest?
I assured you one thing, once you hide something, you'll need bigger hiding place then. It's okay if you want something good for your self,  but don't forget that you aren't through this way alone. I'm with you, so look at me too. . Please don't act like you don't know what I think about. Exactly you did, sweetheart. But you just pretending.
Now, I follow your game. The game you create for something I don't know. But if you loved to, I'll do for you. So you can see something you called "best way" in the end. . yeah, I'll make it up for you. .